
i'm not in a gud mood to write, nor to talk. thot it's from d mood swing thingy...
c d status from my fb, taken from a fb of a fren of mine.
~apabila kita hanya mahu mendengar apa yg hendak didengar tanpa memahami hakiki kata-kata yg kita dengari-maka kita tidak mendengar apa yg patut kita dengar cuma apa yg kita kehendaki sahaja yg jelas--dan itu adalah kesilapan kita~
it's just sentences. sentences dat can only be a passing by sentences in ur life, meaningless, just a good quote from tumblr if it's translated in english.
it might be a sentence dat justify who u are fer wut u did in ur life. we might interpret it differently, in various ways as how we want it to be.
as in my thinking, it's just about we ask a question to sumone, and hoping dat he or she has d same answer as in our mind. u have ur answer and u want 2 listen d same answer going out from d person-being-questioned's mouth. fer me it's nonsense. u're just being too much. u're no more in kindergarden ages dat u think people can just read d others' minds as wut u believe would happen in fairy tales..
and dat is wut i believe can be d reason fer a couple to quarrel. u like to ask ur partner questions with d answers schemes already stated in ur mind, dont u?? n wut happens next is just d wrong answer dat u can't accept, even it's a truth.
consider d situation below. it happened last year, between me and azhar. at d moment i asked him d questions, i was really dissapointed with him.(kiv).
"wak, apa yang wak pernah buat untuk orang yang datang dari kehendak hati wak sendiri??"
i asked him dis ques because i thot there's nothing dat he would do sincerely from his effort of thinking. i always think dat everything dat he did, he did it because i want him to do it. n at d same time, i already have my answer in my mind n i want to hear d same from his mouth. but u know, he's not fairy n dat makes it impossible to him to say my answer. n wut he said, is just a bullet dat landed nicely in my hart. totally painfull.
"sume benda yang orang buat memang dari orang pun, orang yang nak, orang la yang buat, orang la yang plan..mane ada tiru mane2 pun.." i didnt get d planned answer.
"orang tak nak jawapan yang menyelamatkan diri, orang nak wak jujur. semua yang wak buat adalah apa yang orang nak kan?"
"nak selamat apanya ni? diea nak bunuh orang ke? tah, org x igt ape yang orang buat..sebab org x nak berkira sangat pun.. x nak ungkit2.. nape tanye org soalan ni?org nk klua pun susah.. nak plan ape2 pun susah..wut do u want?? hmm??" n d questions with wrong answers went on n on n on...till i got a long msg with dis sentences in it.
"bodoh~!! aku nak exam esok tapi ko sebok nak cari gaduh dgn aku.bodoh~!"
i wez so shocked.dat's not him~! n honestly dat was totally hurt. seriously.
n d solution dat we took was a break. a stupid decision after all, because after a few days thinking bout it, bout how d break up started,i realized one thing. it's not d "wak" dat made us break. it is d girl with stupid questions make d break up happened. if it's not because of her answer scheme, d break up would neva happen n she would've been considering d guy's answer.
do u know, wut was d answer dat i want to hear from him?? it seems a bit like dis
" aah, semua orang buat sbb diea nak sangat.org bg abu sbb diea nak, org jumpa diea sbb diea nak, org bg adiah sbb diea nak" d answer which is actually a reflection of my personality. one dat love to hurt her own heart. love to b hurt. but his answer just hurt me from diff way. n d word bodoh was killing me..
u c.. when u give ur partner a ques, n expect him to say ur answer, it's not a ques anymore.it's just a crap. a crap from ur psyco girly mind. n wut u will get is only shit. or another crap.
u know, when i realized dis thing, n i talk to him bout dis matter, he just say dat he knew it already. he knew me. n he apologized fer d harsh word he said to me. n wut he explained later on in a letter was more than wut i want to hear..
"ape yang diea nak, orang akan usahakan setakat yang orang mampu. diea suka bear, orang bg bear, diea suka coklat, orang bagi coklat.diea suka pink, org bg bnda pink. semuanya sebab org nak diea happy. orang xde masa yg banyak utk bagi kt diea, tp cukuplah rasa sayang yang hanya Allah yang tahu ni jadi penyebab diea sabar dengan orang."
n d last words
"klu ade benda yang diea tak puas hati, jangan bagi soalan macam ni. bagi aje jawapan diea tu sebagai statement supaya orang tau ape yang buat diea marah, supaya orang tau ape yang diea nak orang buat."
Ya Allah, ape lagi yang aku cari jika Kau telah temukan aku dengan orang yang boleh menerima kekuranganku seperti dia? Alhamdulillah.. syukur...
when i'm moody like dis, i dun expect any msg n any call from him, cuz i know, there'll b lots of question n wrong answer sessions, n i will feel guilty, asking fer apology n he already understood n bla bla bla...better not to have a conversation at all aight?
tapi di saat aku mengarang nota hati ini, i got a msg from wak.
"empat nikmat yang Allah kurniakan kepada manusia tapi ramai yang mensia-siakannya. iaitu nikmat hidup, nikmat pendengaran, nikmat penglihatan dan nikmat pemikiran."(al-hikmah,kuliah tasawuf)
it's true, live as how u shuld live, following d syariat. listen fer wut u shuld hear, not only wut u want to, fer it can be d guidance in ur life. see wut should c in life, n perhaps it makes u c d power of d Creator. and lastly, think of wut u should do in life n may Jannah be d reward of wut we did here.amiin... ;)
look, i dun expect dis kind of msg cuz i already told him dat i have mood swing. n i might b geram amat. but think of d effort to msg me sumthing. it's not his fault fer dis mood swing right?? then y shuld i lepas geram at him kan??
so.. jum kita reply msg die~!! klu leh google hadith yg die xtau lagi, mesti die suka~ ;D
till then, daaaaaaa
sayang bangat sama kamu,
p/s: listen 2 ur heart~ ;)
[3:159] Maka disebabkan rahmat dari Allah-lah kamu berlaku lemah lembut terhadap mereka. Sekiranya kamu bersikap keras lagi berhati kasar, tentulah mereka menjauhkan diri dari sekelilingmu.
Karena itu ma’afkanlah mereka,
mohonkanlah ampun bagi mereka,
dan bermusyawaratlah dengan mereka dalam urusan itu246.
Kemudian apabila kamu telah membulatkan tekad, maka bertawakkallah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah menyintai orang-orang yang bertawakkal kepada-Nya.
Thus it is due to mercy from Allah that you deal with them gently, and had you been rough, hard hearted, they would certainly have dispersed from around you; pardon them therefore and ask pardon for them, and take counsel with them in the affair; so when you have decided, then place your trust in Allah; surely Allah loves those who trust.
tick..huuuu...ase nak nanges bc.. "Bodo is a mean word"... take a breath baby...
ala k.ain..bnda dh lama..sbb die bijak die bg word tu kt org..die nk stopkan bnda yg org buat..die nk stopkan perangai org suka sakitkan hati sendiri.haha..skrg sume dh jd betul,kalo x puas hati pape terus je gitau die. die x marah pun..hee ;)
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